Notice of Materials for August 9th, 2012 Tire End-User Consultation

08.08.12 | Announcements

Thank-you for registering for the August 9th, 2012 Ontario Tire Stewardship (OTS) OTR Tire End-User Consultation session to be held at the Toronto Airport Marriott, 901 Dixon Road, Toronto, Ontario, M9W 1J5 from 2pm to 5pm. This session is an important part of the process by which OTS engages and consults with Stewards regarding proposed changes to the program, Rules and funding model and your participation is an integral part of this process.

Here are the materials for the session:

  1. The Agenda for the session
  2. The Power Point for the Session

For those of you confirmed to join the session by webinar the connection details are as follows:

Webinar Link :
Meeting ID : Steward Consultation Aug 9 2012
Dial-in number : 416-343-2285 or 877-969-8433, Conference ID 4467765

If you have any issues connecting please e-mail OTS at

The OTS Team