Electronic Payment Now Available for Stewards

10.05.13 | Announcements

Re: Tire Stewardship Fee Electronic Payment Update

Ontario Tire Stewardship (OTS) is pleased to announce the availability of Electronic Banking for Stewards. This convenient and time-saving service will allow Stewards to remit monthly payments to OTS for Tire Stewardship Fees (TSF) electronically.

There are two options for paying electronically.  The Electronic Bill payment option is currently being offered at RBC and CIBC. It allows Stewards to select and add OTS as a “bill payment payee” on their bank account.  OTS is working with the other major banks to set up OTS as an online payee and expects this to be implemented by June 1st, 2013.

Stewards also have the option to pay OTS through an Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) or direct deposit which is available through all financial institutions. To receive OTS account information, please contact Sahra Farah at 647-426-6265 or by e-mail at info@RethinkTires.ca.

OTS is excited to offer this additional flexibility for Stewards and believes this offering will help Stewards reduce the administration relating to TSF payments.  Thank you for your continued support.

Please ensure your organization’s Steward Registration number is provided with all payments made to OTS.

Andrew Horsman