New Collector, Hauler, and Processor Agreements for Feedback

06.12.13 | Announcements

Dear Collectors, Haulers, and Processors,

As part of the continued evolution of the Used Tires Program (UTP) Ontario Tire Stewardship (OTS) has developed new stakeholder Agreements which will strengthen the integrity and accountability of the Program and used tires tracking system operated by OTS. The new Agreements will also continue OTS’s efforts to ensure a level playing field for stakeholders operating under the program, and enable the implementation of process and payment changes which will contribute to a more competitive, efficient and cost-effective program in the province.

Stakeholders are asked to review the Agreements and provide any comments by January 10th, 2014. Please email comments to Following the close of the comment period OTS will release the finalized Agreements (incorporating any changes warranted based on the comments received) and will then issue a Notice of Amendment to all stakeholders identifying the date by which they must respond regarding acceptance or rejection of the new Agreements.

We look forward to continuing to work with you to deliver the UTP, North America’s most successful diversion program.

Below are the draft Agreements. Changes have been tracked and are indicated in green, blue, or orange underlined font.

Collector Agreement December 6, 2013 (pdf)

Hauler Agreement December 6, 2013 (pdf)

Processor Agreement December 6, 2013 (pdf)

The OTS Team