If you haven’t yet made the switch, you’re not alone. A recent survey, conducted by Leger Marketing on behalf of the Tire and Rubber Association of Canada (TRAC), found that only 51 per cent of drivers outside of Quebec use winter tires during the colder months.
Atlantic Canada leads the charge when it comes to winter tire usage (73 per cent) while only 56 per cent of Ontarians choose to make the switch when the temperature drops. Reasons for not using winter tires vary: 63 per cent of Canadians report that all-season tires are good enough, the cost of winter tires impedes more than a quarter of Canadian drivers (27 per cent) and 22 per cent of Canadians claim they don’t drive enough in the winter to warrant changing tires.
For more survey details, see the full TRAC release here.
These findings shed light on an important road safety issue. Winter tires help drivers stay safe all season long due to the additional traction they provide on ice and snow-covered roads. In fact, a survey conducted by the Quebec government found that injuries related to winter driving has dropped five per cent since mandatory winter tire use was introduced in 2008, including a three per cent decline in deaths and serious injuries.
Not only do winter tires provide good traction on snow and ice covered roads, they can also help reduce fuel consumption and prolong the life of you all-seasons. Winter tires are important and save lives. For tips and tricks to prolong the life of winter tires, visit our winter tire maintenance page. Stay safe and happy driving!