Update on OTS Windup Plan

01.12.17 | Announcements

Ontario Tire Stewardship has submitted to the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA) a proposed plan for the windup and transition of the Used Tires Program, as directed by the Minister of the Environment and Climate Change. The Minister’s directions can be found here. While the Plan is not yet available to be posted, we expect we will be able to share it in the coming weeks and will advise as soon as this is the case.

Now that the Plan has been submitted to the RPRA, they will undertake their own review and consultations on the approach and impacts. We will share additional details on this process as soon as they are available, and will be working closely with the RPRA to provide whatever support they require of OTS. The RPRA have advised us that as details become available, information regarding these consultations will be posted on RPRA’s website at www.rpra.ca.

We look forward to working with all Stewards, Program Participants and stakeholders to ensure a seamless transition to the Resource Recovery and Circular Economy Act. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact OTS at info@rethinktires.ca.