Looking to avoid the ditch this winter? Winterize your vehicle!

14.12.15 | Blog

Winter tire in snow

Slippery roads, icy conditions and limited visibility.  Whether we like it or not, winter is on its way. And for many Ontarians it’s already arrived.   So how can you make sure you’re prepared?

Winterize your vehicle. And we don’t just mean putting an ice-scraper in your trunk.  Stay safe by ensuring your car’s ready to tackle any winter weather situation with the following tips:

  • check your car battery
  • ensure you have extra washer fluid in the trunk
  • create a winter survival kit with a blanket, food, a flashlight and first aid essentials
  • install winter tires and inspect them for proper tread depth annually
  • check and adjust your tire’s air pressure which are impacted by changes in air temperature

Still clinging to your all-seasons? It’s time to make the switch

If you haven’t yet made the switch to winter treads, you’re not alone. A recent survey, conducted by Leger Marketing on behalf of the Tire and Rubber Association of Canada (TRAC), found that only 51 per cent of drivers, outside of Quebec, use winter tires during the colder months.

Winter tires enhance safety and reduce the likelihood of collisions by improving traction, braking and handling in frost, snow, and slush under cold and icy conditions.

While there is a growing understanding of the safety and performance benefits of winter tires, according to the survey, 63 per cent still grip to the idea that all season tires offer enough traction and braking capabilities for winter driving.  Only 56 per cent of Ontarians choose to make the switch when the temperature drops, but at seven-degrees Celsius you should make the switch to winter tires!

Making sure you winterize your vehicle is only part of keeping you safe. Of course, driving more carefully and at a slower speed is the best way to ensure an accident-free winter season.  Stay safe this winter and enjoy the variety of activities that come with colder temps – skating, skiing and snowboarding, and everyone’s favourite, tobogganing.

Check out the full 2015 TRAC Winter Tire Report, along with a wide range of winter tires resources, by visiting news.tracanada.ca/winter-tires.


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