Notice of Consultation for Tire Stewards

23.07.12 | Announcements

Ontario Tire Stewardship is holding a Consultation session for Tire Stewards on August 9th, 2012 from 8:30am – 11:30 am at the Toronto Airport Marriott. Stewards will be able to attend in person or join by webinar and teleconference.

This Consultation session will address:

  • The current Program performance and fiscal position
  • Proposed changes to the way in which OTS calculates the Tire Stewardship Fees payable by Stewards
  • Increases in the Off-Road TSF rates for 2013
  • How the accumulated debt associated with the Off-Road Tire Stewardship program will be addressed by the program going forward.

On February 9th, 2012 the Ontario Minister of the Environment issued direction to Waste Diversion Ontario (WDO) to work with the Industry Funding Organizations (IFOs), including OTS, to revise their current revenue models to ensure full program cost recovery, and to develop plans to address any accumulated debt and/or surplus. Since this time OTS has been engaged with WDO, and discussions have been on-going with the Ministry of the Environment, to determine the model which would meet the Minister’s direction while preserving the predictability, transparency and flexibility Stewards expect from the program.

OTS is encouraging all Stewards to participate, as the feedback collected during this Consultation session will be used in setting the direction for the program going forward

As space is limited for in-person attendance all stakeholders are requested to register with OTS by August 7th, 2012. In-person attendance will be on a first-response, first confirmed basis, all others may attend through the webinar. Details for how to join the consultation remotely will be sent out to confirmed attendees prior to the consultation. For confirmation of your attendance either in-person or through the webinar please e-mail

This consultation session will be followed by an afternoon Consultation with OTR Tire dealers and end-users. OTR Tire Stewards are invited to attend, when registering please ensure that you indicate whether you will be attending one or both sessions.