Notice of OTS Consultation for Collectors, Haulers, Processors, and RPMs

06.11.13 | Announcements

Ontario Tire Stewardship is announcing a Consultation session for registered Collectors, Haulers, Processors and Recycled Product Manufacturers on Thursday, December 5th from 9am – 12pm at the Sheraton Toronto Airport Hotel & Conference Centre. Stakeholders are asked to limit in-person attendees to a maximum of 2 per company, others may join by webinar & teleconference.

OTS has been consulting through the summer on a plan to revise the existing system of incentives offered under the Used Tires Program (UTP) to:

  • Reduce program costs and address the program’s financial obligations;
  • Adapt the program approach to the realities of a highly competitive tire recycling market in Ontario where capacity significantly outstrips scrap tire supply;
  • Continue to support the growth of a sustainable tire recycling industry in Ontario.

Through these consultations OTS has received important feedback from stakeholders regarding the incentive changes proposed. The comments, concerns and suggestions received through the additional consultation sessions and through submissions from individual stakeholders have informed the approach to the changes, and has resulted in OTS making adjustments to the plan presented in the July consultation. This revised plan will be presented in detail at this session.

To attend, please register through the link below no later than Friday, November 29th, 2013. Only registered participants will be sent information regarding the webinar and teleconference details, and for those attending in person, registration is mandatory due to space limitations. We look forward to seeing you at the consultation session and to receiving your feedback.

Register for the December 5 Consultation Session


The OTS Team