Notice to Stewards regarding adjustments to 2010 TSF Remittance Reports

17.05.11 | Announcements

Dear Stewards,

Ontario Tire Stewardship (OTS) has received inquiries from Stewards regarding the deadline to file adjustments to 2010 Tire Stewardship Fee (TSF). In response to concerns raised by Stewards regarding their ability to complete their internal accounting and to support these adjustments OTS is extending the deadline for filing adjustments to 2010 TSF Remittance reports to June 30, 2011. Adjustments must be submitted to OTS by the end of business (5pm) on this day or OTS will not be able to process them. Adjustments may only be requested for 2010 TSF Remittance Reports, Adjustments to 2009 TSF Remittance reports will not be accepted.

Stewards wishing to submit adjustments to 2010 TSF Remittance Reports should advise OTS by e-mailing When submitting adjustments resulting from tires either returned to the Steward or supplied out of Province by the Steward the request for adjustments must include a table showing by month the amount of tires (by type) the Steward has remitted on and the TSF remitted, and the adjusted amount of tires by type the Steward is reporting as supplied for that same month and the TSF owing.

Additionally the Steward should provide a written description of the basis for the requested adjustments (e.g. the result of returns, higher-than-expected out of province shipments, etc…).

Stewards are not required to submit supporting documentation along with the adjustment table described above, however OTS reserves the right to request copies of supporting documentation providing the basis for the adjustments as a condition for processing the request. Examples of supporting documentation may include invoices, bills of lading or other documents indicating that tires previously having been reported as being supplied into Ontario were subsequently removed from the provincial supply either by return to the Steward or shipment out of the Province.

Based on the receipt and review of the documentation submitted by the Steward OTS will process the adjustments to the TSF Remittance Reports and reimburse the Steward any amounts deemed owing by OTS.

Note that this adjustment process does not replace the process OTS has previously communicated regarding Stewards wishing to file adjustments to TSF Remittance reports based on information from Distributors customers who subsequently supplied tires out of Province. Stewards wishing to file adjustments on this basis must still either provide detailed information regarding the final supply of these tires or provide a report prepared by an independent Chartered Accountant substantiating the adjustments.

Note that the extension of the filing deadline is effective for 2010 Adjustments filed in 2011 only. In subsequent years OTS will be enforcing the 60-day deadline for submitting adjustments to TSF Remittance Reports provided in the previous calendar year.

Stewards with questions regarding the process for filing adjustments should contact OTS at or by calling OTS at 1-888-687-2202.


Andrew Horsman

Executive Director