OTS Wind Up Plan Available and Consultation Session Registration Opens

27.12.17 | Announcements

The Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA) is consulting on the proposed Used Tires Program Wind Up Plan prepared by Ontario Tire Stewardship. You can read the proposed plan and register for the in-person and webinar consultation on January 23, 2018 by visiting the RPRA website here.

The commencement of the consultation process by RPRA is an important next step in meeting the requirements of the Minister’s direction regarding the winding-up of the Used Tires Program and OTS.

“The approval and posting of the OTS Wind Up Plan and the scheduling of the RPRA consultations on the Plan represent continued progress in complying with the Minister’s direction” said Andrew Horsman, OTS Executive Director. “While this process moves forward, OTS remains committed to delivering the same high rates of diversion under the current Used Tires Program as we have always done, and to minimizing the impacts of any tire recycling marketplace disruption on program stakeholders and consumers.”

According to E. Patrick Shea, OTS Administrator, “The approval of a Wind Up Plan by the Resource Productivity and Recovery Authority (RPRA) represents an important milestone for OTS and OTS will be working closely with the RPRA through the next stage of the process as RPRA consults with stakeholders.”