Fees are one way to fund recycling programs for the products you purchase. When you purchase an item, such as tires, these fees cover the cost for making sure that the product doesn’t just end up in a landfill, but is responsibly managed. This includes collection, shipping, breakdown, and recycling or reuse of the item. All of these tasks are performed by independent businesses. The up-front fee, in our program called a Tire Stewardship Fee in Ontario is charged to the Steward (tire manufacturer or importer). The upfront fee allows consumers to drop-off of up to 4 tires at no charge! This program helps to reduce pressures on our landfills, conserve our natural resources, and protect our environment.
In Ontario, The Used Tires Program manages tires that can no longer be safely used on vehicles of all shapes and sizes. The majority of the fee (82 cents of every fee dollar) is directed towards ensuring tires are collected, transported and recycled in a responsible and efficient manner. Only 6% of the fee is used to support program administration. A portion of the fee is also invested in programs such as stockpile cleanups and R&D, which pay dividends for the environment, innovation and economic growth in the province.
Compare these numbers to those of other leading non-profit organizations and you will find that Ontario’s Used Tires Program is making tire recycling fees work hard for the environment and residents of Ontario.