Tire Stewardship Fees on Tires on “Walk-behind” equipment

20.02.14 | Announcements

Dear Stewards,

This Ontario Tire Stewardship (OTS) Policy Notice is to advise you of a revision of the existing OTS Policy relating to the requirement for Stewards to report the supply of tires on “walk-behind” equipment such as lawn mowers and snow blowers.

Since program launch in September 2009 OTS had taken an inclusive position under which all new tires other than those explicitly excluded in the approved Used Tires Program Plan (UTPP) (bicycle tires, personal mobility devices, toys, commercial aircraft tires) were captured under the reporting and remittance obligations for Stewards. New Tires (which are defined in the Rules for Stewards as “…all Tire Supplied with a new vehicle, or new replacement Tires or new additional tires Supplied separately or with used vehicles, but does not include Used Tires or Retreaded Tires.”) for all uses have therefore been included, with the exception of tires used on non-motorized equipment or those not intended to be used with motorized equipment (e.g. Wheelbarrow tires are out, trailer tires are in).

OTS has recently reviewed its policy regarding the inclusion of the tires supplied on all types of walk-behind equipment in the reporting and remittance requirement and has determined that a revision of the policy is warranted. Effective immediately, and applied retroactively to September 1st 2009, tires supplied on walk-behind equipment will be exempted from the requirement to report the supply and remit the corresponding TSF. Please note that this policy revision does not apply to tires supplied on or for use on ride-on types of equipment.

Stewards who have remitted TSF on these tires will be eligible, on submission of a negative adjustment form developed by OTS for this purpose, and supporting documentation to OTS, to claim adjustments on TSF remitted on tires supplied on these types of equipment. Stewards should not file negative adjustments related to the supply of these tires on their regular monthly TSF Remittance Report. Stewards can initiate the negative adjustment process by e-mailing OTS at info@rethinktires.ca.

Negative Adjustment forms can be downloaded on the Steward Resources page.

Stewards with questions regarding this process should be directed to the email address above, or by calling OTS at 888-687-2202. We look forward to working with you to continue to deliver the Ontario Used Tires Program successfully.



Andrew Horsman
Executive Director